Google Plus: It’s not what you think


I am assuming that you are already aware of what Google Plus is. If not, go checkout today.

Most people think that Google plus is going be to just another product that google will throw in dead-pool soon. You’re mistaken.

Google is integrating plus into every other product that it owns including their core product – Google Search. Google calls it ‘Search Plus Your World’ (SPYW). 

You ask – Why should I bother ?

SPYW means that when someone in your network is searching for jewellery your links will appear in search results if you have +1’d them which means it has great potential to multiply your reach.

Thus you should +1 your links, ask your friends to +1 them too increase the reach of your products greatly. 

Action Step 1: +1 your links so that folks in your network can find them.
Note – if you don’t have +1 button integrated – don’t worry. Go visit and then type ‘’ – replace with relevant domain and +1 those links.

Action Step 2 (optional): Create google plus page here:

Note: If you are registered Seller on Mirraw – all the products have +1 button added to it.
Once you have uploaded products on your boutique click on plus one. 
Be generous, like other designers products and they in turn will like yours. 

Feel free to ask questions here.

Yogesh Chavan
Yogesh Chavan
I started writing on this blog in November 2011, with a keen interest with Indian Ethnic Fashion, Since I didn't have any experience or could not get an entry-level position or an internship, I made the decision for blogging to demonstrate my writing talents as well as my love of Indian Ethnic fashion. I posted my Indian style ideas and suggestions that help others try something new and to have fun in their clothes, regardless of Size. I generally disagree with the fashion standards of most people and do not believe in wearing clothes that fit your body shape.