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Bottom wear plays a major role in making you look perfect. It is hard to expect our life without bottom wear. And we are lucky that there are so many options. Some are comfortable, while some are not, and some give you the partying look, while some give the...
You can make your nails look more beautiful by applying creative nail Designs to it. The best part is that you can make these nail art Designs yourself at your homes. But the only problem is to find out that out of so many Designs, which will suit to...
Fashion is not just a trend we follow, but it is a way of living. Your fashion sense is your way of presenting yourself to world and it says a lot about you. So, when we understand that how fashion defines our personality how can we not take it...
T-shirts are every occasion to go outfit. There is not much you need to think about it as it makes a perfect outfit for almost every occasion.  Also, the evolving trends have so much to do with t-shirt Design, prints and style. Their latest trends always find a place...
Retro style is one such style which seeks attention of others. Retro style is said to be inspired by the vintage style. Retro because popular in the 40s till the 70s. Retro includes retro music, fashion , art, modes and attitude. Retro looks are easy to create and highly...
Be it the winters or the wedding season, there can be no compromise on fashion, can there? With the number and variety of clothing items to pick from, it often becomes difficult to choose which would suit us best. Especially when it comes to men’s clothing, picking out the...
Bindi is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘Bindi’ that means a dot or a tiny drop. It is a decoration that is worn between the eyebrows and centre of the forehead. The most popular colour of bindi is red and it is mostly worn in South East Asia. The...
There are several distinctive types of sleeves in silhouettes, but are you aware of all of them? Except for few designs and variations, there is no doubt that you too aren’t aware of the different sleeves patterns. Therefore, to add the fashion words cognate to sleeves in your dictionary, you...
A kurti is perhaps the most comfortable piece of clothing for women but wearing it every day can make it loose its charm. There are hundreds of ways to rejuvenate the kurti and one simple way to strike a different look every time with the kurti is by pairing...
Girls sometimes have a problem with jeans. They usually don’t fit them in the right places. They often have to cuff them or hem them. This is a temporary solution that works well for a short period of time but if you want a permanent solution to your denim...
Fashion trends are never constant. The only thing constant about fashion trends is the frequency at which they change. However, for most people, keeping up with these changing trends is very difficult. This is because in the midst of paying our bills, our rent, and spending on day to day...
We've all sinned. We all had a t-shirt that we regretted wearing the next day or maybe 5 years later, when you realize just how uncool it was to tuck your shirt in. Here's what makes our top list of No-no's. Lame Social Network Tshirts I see what you did there....

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